Black men in coats talking together


Prison Prevention and Proactive Mentoring Program

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The SOOP Program is a prevention and proactive program to help youth and young adult males age 11 to 18 stay out of the juvenile system or jail and lead productive lives. We are a male-centered organization that aims to mentor young men. We want to break down barriers, end discrimination, and disprove stereotypes.

Prisoner with Handcuffs in Jail

Who Are We

Stylish black man in hoodie
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Our mission is to prevent and be proactive in helping troubled youth and young adult males stay out of the juvenile or prison system and lead productive lives to end the incarceration crisis in Alabama.

We envision our organization contributing to the end of mass incarceration by producing young men who avoid the prison system, who will operate as law-abiding citizens and are positive members of society.

Mission and Vision

what we fight for

Breaking the School to prison pipeline

We fight to break a disturbing trend where children are funneled out of public schools and into the criminal justice system.

Economic Empowerment

We fight for young men to find economic freedom and become financially literate.

safety and peace

We fight against discrimination and other injustices to keep our young men safe from violence and reduce the prison rates.


Meet Our Founder

Moses “Mo” Harper J.D., educator, motivational speaker, and bail bondsman. He is the owner of Authority Bail Bonds, with offices in Montgomery, Wetumpka, and Troy, serving the needs of individuals throughout Alabama. He has been a bail bondsman since 2013 and is a former police officer. As a speaker, he talks to youth and parents at schools about how to navigate the system and assists those with a criminal background get back on track with resumes, interview prep, and job placement. Mo and his expertly trained team are dedicated to changing people’s lives by educating them about their legal rights and the judicial system.

You Can Donate to Our Program Today!

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P.O. Box 20622

Montgomery, AL 36120

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About Us

Stay Out Of Prison, Inc. is a 501 c(3) non-profit organization.

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